CW Lasers

Spectra-Physics continuous-wave (CW) lasers provide continuous light output for bio-imaging, material processing, metrology and other challenging research applications.

Description Wavelength Power
Excelsior® One™
New compact direct diode and DPSS lasers
375, 405, 445, 473, 488, 515, 532, 542, 561, 642, 785, and 1064 nm 10 to 500 mW
Complete portfolio of low power lasers
375, 405, 440, 473, 488, 505, 515, 532, 542, 561, 642, 785, and 1064 nm 5 to 800 mW
Millennia® eV™
Highest power CW 532 nm DPSS lasers
532 nm 5 to 25 W