
Output Characteristics

Pump Tuning Range 720-820 nm
Pump Wavelength 760 nm 810 nm
Signal Tuning Range 1000-1400 nm 1010-1550 nm
Signal Average Power at Peak N/A >900 mW
Idler Tuning Range3 1662-3166 nm 1696-4090 nm
Idler Average Power at Peak3 >250 mW
Signal Pulse Width at Peak <200 fs
Repetition Rate 80 MHz
Noise at 1300 nm 1% rms
Power Stability 5%
Spatial Mode TEM00, M2 <1.2
Beam Diameter (Signal) at 1300 nm 1.4 mm ±10%
Beam Divergence (Signal) at 1300 nm <1.0 mrad
Polarization Horizontal (>100:1)
Dimensions 15.6 x 27.1 x 7.6 in (395 x 687 x 192 mm)


  1. Due to our continuous improvement program, specifications may change without notice.
  2. Specifications while pumped by a Mai Tai HP; average power is reduced when pumping with the Mai Tai HP DeepSee.
  3. Idler output available as an option.


  • Two output ports available: signal output (1000–1550 nm with >900 mW at the peak) and fundamental output (690–1040 nm with >1 W)
  • Synchronized output from two output ports—ideal for applications requiring more than one wavelength such as CARS
  • Fully-automated hands-free wavelength tuning complete with automated cavity alignment to maintain optimal power and pulse durations

Compatible Power Sensors

To verify and analyze the output power of your Inspire IR laser, we recommend the Ophir 3A  (7Z02621) thermal power sensor and Centauri laser power meter.  Additional information on this laser measurement equipment can be found on the ophiropt.com website.  Other Ophir sensors and meters may also be suitable for the Inspire IR, depending on application. Ophir also works with laser system developers to achieve embedded beam diagnostics to monitor system performance as an OEM solution.